Sunday, 13 November 2016

IPS Technology in Digital Podium

Digital Podium is our niche, because we manufacture it. Nowadays, we have been getting a number of inquiries for Digital Podium demanding a tilt in the touch monitor. And, we say  that you do not require it.
This blog is meant for all readers who want to understand the concept behind tilt in a digital podium. 
Let's first find out why do you require a tilt? If you have worked on a TFT or Laptop,  you must be knowing that you have to adjust your screen for optimal view. By adjusting the screen, you ensure that there are no reflections of light or other things. Therefore, you require tilt in a digital podium to adjust its screen.

Now , we will tell you why we don't recommend a tilt in podium. The reason is simple that we use IPS Touch Monitor in it. IPS Technology is the latest technology that offers uniform view of screen from all angles (around 360 Degrees). You don't need to tilt it irrespective of your position and lights installed in the surroundings.  
Hope you liked our blog and found it useful.
Have a look at a picture of our Digital Podium here -



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